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Buy 2 free 1.   The Miracle of Natto Enzyme: the Japanese are the world's oldest national recognized. Since the Japanese love to eat Natto, and Natto contains many of the beneficial biological objects, such as: vitamin B group, vitamin K, Saponins, Iso-flavones, amino acids and linoleic acid. More ...Read more

Organic Natto Enzyme 神奇有机纳豆酵素_750ml+750ml+375ml

RM 195.30 each

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The Miracle of Natto Enzyme: the Japanese are the world's oldest national recognized. Since the Japanese love to eat Natto, and Natto contains many of the beneficial biological objects, such as: vitamin B group, vitamin K, Saponins, Iso-flavones, amino acids and linoleic acid. Moreover, in the 1980's, Western scientists discovered the miracle effects of the Natto, a kind of enzyme in the original as Natto nattokinase, can break down blood clots in the prevention of myocardial infarction, high Blood pressure and so on. Cause of death in heart disease is ranked the top three, so it can add the miracle of Natto Enzyme.



Nattokinase is an excellent enzyme, which can dissolve blood clots, and to remove the clot blood vessels, so that the normal flow of blood to prevent heart disease, stroke and other diseases. Therefore, Nattokinase is an excellent health care can prevent cardiovascular disease; and rewrite the new concept of prevention of cardiovascular disease products.

Plants in other natural fruits and vegetables, cannot find nattokinase, and only when the bacteria grow in the soybean will produce. This is also the Western scientists think that the Japanese will eat the Natto Sato as a daily food, is the main cause of longevity. Natto consumption in Japan has been more than a thousand years and found no side effects, Nattokinase is a safe prevention of hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, health food products.

Nattokinase can make the blood clean, preventing the formation of blood clots, reduce cholesterol, it can prevent floaters. Consumption of foods nattokinase, can prevent thrombosis diseases coloring. Organic Natto is being used to produce Miracle Organic Natto Enzyme. Modern biotechnology in Japan, essence of Natto is being extracted from it. Not add any chemicals, no alcohol, natural fermentation, the enzyme of the best, is a healthy food choice. For men and women to take.



  1. Nattokinase dissolves blood clots can be safely and efficiently, and effectively prevent and improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cardiovascular diseases are very suitable for human consumption.

  2. Nattokinase also the role of platelet coagulation, the prevention of hypertension and arteriosclerosis, prevention of vascular aging, inhibition of fat deposition, lowering cholesterol, so that the function of blood flow smoothly.

  3. Rich of small molecule protein could have an effective anti-fatigue, adjusting the body balance, aging, prevention of dementia.

  4. Can be strong bones, prevent and improve osteoporosis, so drink plenty of osteoporosis in patients with Natto Enzyme, a good solution to the problem of osteoporosis in the elderly.

  5. Natto Enzyme gastrointestinal bacteria has a strong regulatory role, can inhibit the harmful intestinal bacteria and create a good living for beneficial bacterial environment for intestinal flora to recover and achieve a healthy dynamic balance, enhance human Digestive function and disease resistance. To quickly resolve constipation, enteritis, diarrhea and other issues.

  6. Iso-flavones in Natto enzyme help in relieving menopausal syndrome, is a highly efficient activity of Iso-flavone phytoestrogens, can improve female hormone levels of menopausal women, to relieve the surface heat, flushing, manic, dizziness, insomnia, Depression and other menopausal symptoms, no drug-induced side effects.

  7. Natto Enzyme prevent oxidation of cells, and further have the effect of cancer prevention.

  8. Weight loss, cosmetic results: Natto Enzyme in the sticky protein polysaccharide peptide from glutamic acid to a special composition, it has a similar effect with dietary fiber, are not absorbed in the intestine, water absorption is very high, growth yields up Time satiety, reduce body fat absorption.


纳豆酵素的神奇:日本人是世界公认最长寿的民族。由于日本人喜爱吃纳豆,而纳豆含有许多对人体有益的生物物体,如:维生素B群,维生素K,皂角苷,异黄铜,氨基酸及亚油酸。更重要的是, 在1 9 8 0 年代, 西方科学家发现了纳豆神奇效果的主因,原来纳豆中有一种酵素为纳豆激酶(NATTOKINASE),可以分解血管中的血栓,预防心肌梗塞,高血压,脑充血等现象。心脏疾病是十大死亡原因中排前三名,所以更添加纳豆酵素的神奇。


纳豆激酶 :





纳豆酵素(纳豆激酶)的八大神奇功效 :

  1. 纳豆激酶可以安全高效地溶解血栓,有效预防和改善心脑血管疾病,非常适合心脑血管病人服用。

  2. 纳豆激酶还有抑制血小板凝固的作用,有预防高血压和动脉硬化,防止血管老化、抑制脂肪沉积、降低胆固醇,使血流顺畅的功能。

  3. 丰富的小分子蛋白质可有效抗疲劳、调整肌体平衡,延缓衰老、预防老年痴呆症。

  4. 可以强壮骨骼,有效预防和改善骨质疏松,让骨质疏松患者多喝纳豆酵素,很好的解决了中老年人骨质疏松问题。

  5. 纳豆酵素益菌具有强大的胃肠调节作用,可以有效抑制肠道内的有害菌,并给有益菌创造一个良好的生存环境,使肠内菌群恢复并达到健康的动态平衡,增强人体消化机能及抗病能力。从而迅速解决便秘、肠炎、腹泻等问题。

  6. 纳豆酵素中的活性异黄酮,改善女性更年期综合症,活性异黄酮是高效的植物雌激素,可以有效提高更年期妇女的雌性荷尔蒙水平,改善面热、潮红、狂躁、头晕、失眠、意志消沉等更年期症状,无药物性副作用。

  7. 纳豆酵素可防止细胞氧化,进一步有预防癌症的效果。

  8. 减肥、美容效果:纳豆酵素中的粘性多糖蛋白是由谷氨酸多肽以特别的结构组成,它具有与膳食纤维相似的作用,不被肠道吸收,吸水率非常高,能产生长时间饱腹感,减少人体对脂肪的吸收。

Organic / Natural food 有机食品 / 天然产品

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